
Sku: delivery096

※如需1.機器安裝 2.教育訓練,請洽客服。

材質尺寸:最大尺寸 538 (寬) x 360 (深) x 100 (厚度) mm
材質重量:最大重量 5 公斤
可列印寬度和長度:最大尺寸 508 (寬) x 330 (深) mm
種類:Roland ECO-UV ( EUV / EUV4 )
容量:220 cc
顏色:五色 ( 青、洋紅、黃、黑、白、白 )/五色 ( 青、洋紅、黃、黑、白、架橋劑* )/六色 ( 青、洋紅、黃、黑、白、透明 )
墨水固化單元:UV LED 燈
列印解析度:(dots per inch)最高 1440 dpi
距離精度:誤差小於列印距離的 ±0.3% 或 ±0.3 mm
傳輸介面:Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, 自動切換)
電源供應:AC 100~240 V ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 最大 1.8A
機器操作中:最大 149W
休眠模式:大約 13 W
機器操作中:60 db(A) 或更小
機器待機中:49 db(A) 或更小
機器外觀:1,202 ( 寬 ) × 962 ( 深 ) × 549 ( 高 ) mm
機器重量:110 公斤
開機時溫度:20~32°C ( 68 ~ 90°F ) , 溼度: 35~80% ( 無凝結 )
關機時溫度:5~40°C ( 41 ~ 104°F ), 溼度: 20~80% ( 無凝結 )
機器配備:電源線、RIP 軟體 ( Roland VersaWorks Dual )、使用手冊和墨水托盤等。



日本Roland LEF2-200 UV直噴機 平台式UV機

Roland | UV直噴機 | 平台式UV機 | UV輸出機 | UV印刷機 | UV機


LEF2-200 憑藉出色的簡便性和效率,您可以打印出鮮豔的色彩和逼真的紋理,以獲得逼真的圖形效果,以及包括幾乎所有物體上的模擬浮雕在內的高級飾面,它將重新定義您的業務範圍。

LEF2 Series
LEF2-300D LEF2-300 LEF2-200
Printing method Piezo ink-jet method
Attachable objects to be printed on Width Max. 800 mm (31.5 in.) Max. 538 mm (21.2 in.)
Length Max. 360 mm (14.2 in.) Max. 360 mm (14.2 in.)
Thickness Max. 200 mm (7.87 in.)*1 Max. 100 mm (3.94 in.) Max. 100 mm (3.94 in.)
Weight Max. 8 kg (18 lb.)
(When using an additional table: Max. 2 kg (4.4 lb.))
Max. 8 kg (18 lb.) Max. 5 kg (11 lb.)
Maximum printing width/printing length Max. 770 (width) × 330 (length) mm (30.3 × 13 in.) Max. 508 (width) × 330 (length) mm (20 × 13 in.)
Ink Type ECO-UV (EUV, EUV4) 220 ml cartridge, ECO-UV (EUV4) 500 ml cartridge (White ink is not available in 500 ml cartridges.) ECO-UV (EUV, EUV4) 220 ml cartridge
Colors Six colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black, white, and gloss × 2)
Six colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black, white, and gloss) and primer
Five colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and white)
Five colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and white) and primer
Six colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black, white, and gloss)
Ink-curing unit Built-in UV-LED lamp
Printing resolution Max. 1440 dpi
Distance accuracy *2 ±0.3 mm (±11.8 mil) or ±0.3% of the specified distance, whichever is greater
Position reproducibility *2 ±0.2 mm (±7.9 mil) or ±0.1% of the specified distance, whichever is greater
Connectivity Ethernet (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, automatic switching)
Power-saving function Automatic sleep feature
Power requirements AC100 to 240 V ± 10%, 2.1 A, 50/60 Hz AC100 to 240 V ± 10%, 1.8 A, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption During operation Approx. 178 W Approx. 149 W
Sleep mode Approx. 18 W Approx. 13 W
Acoustic noise level During operation 60 dB (A) or less
During standby 49 dB (A) or less
Outer dimensions 1,560 (W) × 955 (D) × 676 (H) mm
(61.4 [W] × 37.6 [D] × 26.6 [H] in.)
[When the ink-cartridge tray is attached;
1,866 × 955 × 676 mm (73.5 × 37.6 × 26.6 in.)]
1,560 (W) × 955 (D) × 576 (H) mm
(61.4 [W] × 37.6 [D] × 22.7 [H] in.)
[When the ink-cartridge tray is attached;
1,866 × 955 × 576 mm (73.5 × 37.6 × 22.7 in.)]
1,202 (W) × 962 (D) × 549 (H) mm
(47.3 [W] × 37.9 [D] × 21.6 [H] in.)
Weight 166 kg (366 lb.) 144 kg (317.5 lb.) 110 kg (242.5 lb.)
Environment During operation Temperature: 20 to 32°C (68 to 90°F) (22°C (72°F) or higher recommended), Humidity: 35 to 80% RH (no condensation)
Not operating Temperature: 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F), Humidity: 20 to 80% RH (no condensation)
Included items Power cord, software RIP, cleaning liquid, drain bottle, manuals, etc.

*1 Use a spacer table for printing targets with a thickness of 0 to 100 mm (0 to 3.94 in.).
*2 Temperature for LEF2-300 and LEF2-300D is 23°C (73°F) and for LEF2-200 is 25°C (77°F). Humidity: 50% RH

This device is capable of printing on a wide variety of substrates. However, the print quality or the ink adhesion may vary according to the substrate used and it is strongly recommended to test the substrate for compatibility to ensure optimal print results.

Vaporized components may slightly irritate the eyes, nose and/or throat during and following printing with this product. If continuously printing in a closed space, the density of volatile compositions will accumulate and may irritate the eyes, nose and /or throat. Roland DG strongly recommends that you install a ventilation system and use this product in a well-ventilated room. For more information, please contact your local distributor or dealer.


VersaWorks 6 System Requirements

Operating System Windows® 10 (32/64-bit), Windows® 8.1 (32/64-bit)
CPU Intel® Core™ 2 Duo, 2.0 GHz or faster recommended
RAM 2 GB or more recommended
Video card and monitor A resolution of 1,280 x 1,024 or more recommended
Free hard-disk space 40 GB or more recommended
Hard-disk file system NTFS format
Optical drive DVD-ROM
Other Internet connection recommended

Choose an LEF to Suit Your Budget and Your Business

Maximum Print Area VersaUV LEF2-300D

30″ × 13″
770 mm × 330 mm

VersaUV LEF2-300

30″ × 13″
770 mm × 330 mm

VersaUV LEF2-200

20″ × 13″
508 mm × 330 mm

VersaUV LEF-12i

12″ × 11″
305 mm × 280 mm

Maximum Thickness for Printable Objects: Max. 7.87 in.
Max. 200 mm
Max. 3.94 in.
Max. 100 mm
Max. 3.94 in.
Max. 100 mm
Max. 3.94 in.
Max. 100 mm
Ink Configuration Options CMYK + Clear (gloss) + Clear (gloss)+ WhiteCMYK + Clear (gloss) + White+ Primer CMYK + Clear (gloss) + White

CMYK + Primer + White

CMYK + White + White

CMYK + Clear (gloss) + White
Included RIP Software VersaWorks 6
Accessories BOFA air filtration system (optional)
Ideal For Ideal for printing on thicker items as well as items whose shapes require jigs for positioning in order to print properly. Volume production of small to medium-sized items, plus pre-primed printing onto various substrates and unique surfaces. Short-run customization of small to medium-sized items, plus pre-primed printing onto various substrates and unique surfaces. Short-run customization of USB drives, smart phone covers, photo frames and other small objects.


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重量 110 公斤
尺寸 120.2 × 96.2 × 54.9 公分
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